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Two Truths About Closing Deals

Two Truths About Closing Deals

Two Truths About Closing DealsBy: Dan Ambrose
Published on: 12/07/2024

Obviously everything we do as investors is geared towards closing deals. It’s obvious because if a deal doesn’t close, the money isn’t made. So we’ve got to close deals right?

How to Spot a Real Deal

How to Spot a Real Deal

How to Spot a Real DealBy: Dan Ambrose
Published on: 12/07/2024

When it comes to real estate, how can you differentiate the deals from the REAL deals – you know, the one’s that graduate you from dabbler, to legitimate investor?

What You Need to Know About Buying A Foreclosure

What You Need to Know About Buying A Foreclosure

What You Need to Know About Buying A ForeclosureBy: Dan Ambrose
Published on: 12/07/2024

Foreclosures can be home run investments, but, if you don’t do your due diligence, they can just as easily be the investment you regret.

Hidden Savings Secrets

Hidden Savings Secrets

Hidden Savings SecretsBy: Dan Ambrose
Published on: 12/07/2024

Today’s interest rates are at their lowest levels. Home prices are more affordable today than they were in the entire past decade.
